Elemental Liberation


Contact me to begin September 2024.

As a supervisor, I believe, we help build a therapists capacity to hold their own experiences so they can hold the experiences of others. We hold space for what comes up for them in the process of being with others to help them feel the lived experience of what this work is about. We integrate the left and right hemispheres to create an integrated experience for the therapist so they can show up for their people with the same presence and capacity they are offered in supervision.

I will offer an integrated supervision experience tailored to the developmental needs of you as a therapist and me as a supervisor. We will use metaphor, self reflection, consultation and theoretical exploration to provide you with the support you need to grow as a therapist. We will co-create a plan to monitor and track your own goals throughout the process, inviting whatever needs to unfold in the supervision process to both support and challenge you as appropriate. I come from a psychodynamic, interpersonal, relational, decolonizing lens and welcome your theoretical and cultural orientation into our process.

I have completed trainings in NARM, SE, DEEP and IPNB. I utlize creative methods like sandtray, art, collage, self reflection prompts and poetry to thread the left and right hemisphere integration.

Rates for individual supervision would start at $100 per hour or $80 per hour for two associates. Group supervision would be $80 per person for each hour, often marked in two hour meetings. Supervision groups would focus on self reflection, decolonizing your practice and developing community within the profession to support your growth as a therapist. We will determine goals as a group and identify helpful material to anchor our learning process.

If you are an LPC associate in the state of Texas, you can contact me directly at vanessarosage@gmail.com to inquire and set up a chance to meet.